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Connecticut’s Marijuana Legalization and DUI Laws have changed-Know Your Rights if You Have been Injured by a Driver Under the Influence of Marijuana

With the recent legalization of recreational marijuana in Connecticut, there are important legal considerations to be aware of to ensure you are well-informed and protected. This article, brought to you by the knowledgeable team at Rodie and Rodie P.C., will provide valuable insights into Connecticut’s DUI laws. If you have been injured as a result...

A Step-by-Step Guide to Hiring a Lawyer in Connecticut

Hiring a lawyer can be a daunting task, especially if you have never needed legal representation before. Whether you are facing a criminal charge, going through a divorce, or starting a business, having a competent and experienced attorney by your side is essential. However, the process of finding and hiring the right lawyer can be...

Bus Accident Attorneys

Buses provide a means of transportation for people to commute to home, work or school on a daily basis. They are an important part of the reduction of the number of vehicles on the roads and highways. Unfortunately, buses are not immune from being involved in motor vehicle collisions. Often, due to the nature of...

Understanding Comparative Negligence

You have been injured. Your injuries were caused by the negligence of someone else, such as a negligent driver of a motor vehicle in a car crash or a store that left something slippery on a floor causing you to fall. Connecticut is a Quasi-Comparative Negligence State. Any negligence attributed to you which is determined...

Can A Dash Cam Help With Your Car Crash Claim?

At-fault drivers and their insurance companies often dispute liability for a crash. When these disputes come up, the victim’s lawyer may need additional evidence to help prove the claim. For example, footage from a dashboard camera in one of the vehicles involved in the crash, or the vehicle of an eyewitness, may be useful. We...

Nursing Home Wrongful Deaths in Connecticut

Individuals who have elderly family members in a nursing home should be able to rely on staff and administrators to care for residents as they would want someone to care for their own family. Unfortunately, nursing home abuse and neglect are common concerns. If someone dies in a nursing home as the result of abuse...

What Can You Do After ER Misdiagnoses Your Heart Attack

Heart attack is the leading cause of death in men and women in the United States. There are about 1.5 million cases of heart attack annually and around 11,000 cases are not properly diagnosed. When detected early, a heart attack can be easily treated and the recovery rate is very high. However, a heart attack...

Reporting a Car Accident to the Police

Car accidents are almost always chaotic and confusing experiences, so it can be understandably difficult to remember in the heat of the moment what you are legally supposed to do after a wreck. As a general rule of thumb, your first move after ensuring you are out of harm’s way to the best of your...